We conduct social research and apply action learning principles and practices to our research projects.
We assist organisations to implement new programs and help them develop tools to evaluate them.
Chapters, articles, presentations and other work
Carney, T, Tait, D, Perry, J, Vernon, A & Beaupert, F. with T Beed, D Chappell, C Coumarelos, M Cain & M Karras, Australian Mental Health Tribunals: Space for Fairness, Freedom, Protection and Treatment? (Themis Press, 2011).
Chapter in books
Vernon A. Dore, J and Gyawali, D, ‘Constructive Engagement’ in Dore, J (ed) Negotiate: Reaching agreements over water, 23-40, (IUCN Switzerland, (2010).
Refereed Articles
Curran, Liz, Vernon, Alikki, & Taylor Barnett, P, ‘Reflecting on Community Development Practices: Improving Access to Justice by Working with Communities to Effect Change’, (2017), Vol 19, Issue 1, Flinders Law Journal, 37-58
Vernon, Alikki, 'The Ethics of Appropriate Justice Approaches: Lessons from a Restorative Response to Institutional Abuse', (2017), Vol 35 No 1 Ethics in Alternative Dispute Resolution, The Federation Press.
Cleak, Helen, Alikki Vernon, L Akin Ojelabi and T Fisher, ‘Family violence in culturally and linguistically diverse communities: An evaluation of a family relationship centre’ (2015) Vol 26 (1) Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, 26-37.
Sarre, Rick & Vernon, Alikki ‘Access to safe justice in Australian courts: Some reflections upon intelligence, design and process’ (2013) 2(2) Crime, Justice and Social Democracy Journal, 133-147.
Akin Ojelabi, O., Fisher, T. Cleak, H, Vernon, A & Balvin, N ‘A Cultural Assessment of Family Dispute Resolution: Findings about Cultural Appropriateness from the Evaluation of a Family Relationship Centre' (2012) 18:1, Journal of Family Studies, 210-230.
Akin Ojelabi, O., Fisher, T. Cleak, Vernon, A, H, & Balvin, N “A Cultural Assessment of Family Dispute Resolution: Findings about Access, Retention and Outcomes from the Evaluation of a Family Relationship Centre' (2011) 17:3 Journal of Family Studies, 220-232.
Beaupert, F & A Vernon. ”Odyssey of Hope”: The role of carers in mental health tribunal processes and systems of mental health care’, (2011) 18 (1) February, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 44-68.
Unpublished Thesis
Justice and Care: the use of restorative conflict management principles and practices in mental health governance and tribunals (La Trobe University, 2010)
Forthcoming publications
§ ‘Legal and community services working with Disadvantaged Communities to support effective change’ with Liz Curran and Pamela Taylor-Barnett, submitted to Osgood Clinical Law Journal November, 2017
§ ‘Supporting care planning and group decision-making in mental health care: matters of design and governance’, to be submitted to Psychiatry, Psychology and Law in February, 2017.
Moore, David and Vernon, Alikki Smart Justice Fact Sheets on the Youth Justice System in Australia and Adult Restorative Justice Programs and Research for Smart Justice group / Federation of Community Legal Centres, August 2015
Moore, David and Vernon, Alikki, Submission the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, 2015
Balvin, N, Akin Ojelabi, L. Fisher, T, Cleaks, H, and Vernon, A, Evaluation of the Broadmeadows Family Mediation Relationship Centre’ Report, December, 2010.
Vernon, A and Curran, L, Creating the Right Spaces: Civil Participation and Social Inclusion’, Report, July 2010, West Heidelberg Community Legal Service.
Vernon, A, The Richmond Fellowship Of Victoria: A Hybrid and Evolving Model of Psychosocial Care’, (2005), The Richmond Fellowship of Victoria publication.
XXXVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Charles University, Prague, July 9th – 14th, 2017
Panel presentation: Restorative and Multidisciplinary Approaches in Supporting Decision-Making in Mental Health Governance
The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, Non-Adversarial Justice Conference, Darling Harbour Sydney, 6th-8th April, 2017
Paper Title: Therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice for family violence: expanding the options for responding effectively to violence and other abuse
The Canberra Restorative Communities Network Workshop: Restorative Practices and Gendered Violence: Expanding the options for those who have experienced abuse, ACT Legislative Assembly, 27th February, 2017.
Paper Presentation: Implementations of the Victorian Family Violence Royal recommendations
XXXIVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, July 12th – 17th, 2015
Paper Title: Applying restorative principles in mental health governance: a case study of care plan coordination
Symposium on Ethics for Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioners, La Trobe University, 19 June 2015
Paper Title: Restorative options to institutional abuse and sexual offending: The ethics of appropriate responses